Do You Have To Be 21 To Buy Ginger Beer? (Is Ginger Beer Alcoholic Or Non-Alcoholic)

Are you looking for a drink with a bit of kick of spice? Ginger beer is an excellent option to try out! The word ‘beer makes most individuals think it is alcoholic, but this is a misnomer as it isn’t. Most commercial ginger beer is non-alcoholic. Do you have to be 21 to buy ginger beer? No, you don’t have to be. The laws, however, vary from state to state as even though named non-alcoholic, they contain a tiny amount of alcohol.

Ginger beer can also exist in its alcoholic variant. This is illegal for people under the age of 21. Check the bottle before buying, and you should be fine. In the United States, alcohol with less than 0.5 percent is legally considered non-alcoholic, and ginger beer falls into this category.

The fact that ginger beer is mostly non-alcoholic, non-harmful, and should be protected under the law doesn’t mean that they are well accepted. This is why states have come up with regulations to check the purchase by minors. There are varieties of reasons why these states’ laws frown upon the purchase of ginger beer by individuals less than 21. The major one which stood out is that the name beer and drinking shouldn’t be a vice that children should begin early. Though not alcoholic, these non-alcoholic beverages, which serve as a variant or alternative to the alcoholic ones, might drive minors to try actual alcohol.

What is Ginger beer?

Ginger beer is a sweetened, carbonated, fizzy, non-alcoholic beverage. It is made traditionally by fermenting natural ingredients; ginger roots, water, and sugar or honey-based syrups with a bit of alcohol. This type is usually referred to as the alcoholic type. Although the modern method is mostly used now and involves it being carbonated rather than fermented though not so much of carbonation either, and makes it non-alcoholic, containing as little as less than 0.5 percent alcohol content falling under the abv criteria.

They come in different additional flavors and can be used in combination to make other cocktails examples are: Moscow mule and Gin tonic. Sprite, vodka, rum, club soda are used to switch up the taste to produce more drink flavors. The soft and stronger counterparts ginger ale and ginger beer can be mixed together to get a different taste. Ginger beer doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners used in other beverages, and this makes it a healthier choice in comparison.

Ginger beer has been around for a long time and originated from Europe and the USA though it is spread far and wide even to Asian countries. It was used then as a home relief for stomach ailments. The ginger in it helps to stimulate digestion and relieve nausea. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that are also good for inflammatory pain.

Ginger beer contains fewer calories than traditional beers, as it doesn’t contain malt, and so it is lighter and good for patients on a diet or those that don’t want to consume too much sugar.

Ginger is usually used interchangeably with ginger ale; however, they aren’t ultimately the same. There are varieties of ginger beer in the market, with some stronger than others; this should be taken into consideration when purchasing one. 

What does Ginger beer taste like?

The taste of ginger beer depends on the flavor with which it is combined and the country in which it is made. Mostly it has a spicy taste from the ginger and citrus taste as it is usually combined with lemon, lime, and pineapple. Ginger beer has a distinguished refreshing taste!

The first thing that hits your taste bud when consumed is the sweetness which is usually the right amount, not too much or too little, and followed by spice with that aftertaste found in beers that is subtle yet there in a refreshing manner that isn’t provocative or overpowering as in most beers. 

Ginger beer is an overall enjoyable drink, one which can be enjoyed at any time of the day, especially when poured over ice! Ice kicks up its refreshing taste higher by a notch. It also has a zest taste around it, usually due to the combined flavors. 

Ginger beer tastes differently from ginger ale. It is the spicier variant. Think about it as an upgraded version of ginger ale. It has a stronger flavor, and the flavors used to make them usually differ. Ale is a softer drink when combined; all the flavors together give an entirely different taste.

Do you have to be 18 to buy non-alcoholic beer?

No. Formally, no laws are regulating the sale of non alcoholic beer to minors. Some states recommend that establishments should not sell to minors. Examples of these states are California, Pennsylvania, and others. States that allow minors include Texas, Minnesota, New Jersey, Illinois, and others. 

This is mostly based on the psychological premise that non alcoholic beer makes people feel drunk when in actual sense, they are not. It stimulates the same sensory cues for alcoholic brews. 

Can you get drunk on ginger beer?

No, you can’t! The concept of getting drunk usually follows alcohol, and ginger beer is mostly non alcoholic, and so you can’t get drunk. You need to take alcohol to get drunk. Although, like every other substance taking it in excess has its own side effect, which may include bloating and increased need to void the bladder. 

You cannot get drunk on ginger beer when taken alone but not when it is combined in certain cocktails as they have alcohol like vodka and rum added to them. 


Do you have to be 21 to buy Ginger Beer? No, you don’t have to. However, the laws governing where you live may hinder you from buying it. Ginger beer is, however a refreshing, spicy drink with zest and health benefits. It is a good choice for a traditional beer alternative without the inebriation that accompanies it and other harmful effects.