Keystone beer is a popular cheap beer produced by a famous Molson Coors Beverage Company in Golden, Colorado. There are different varieties of Keystone beer.
- Keystone Premium (formerly known as Keystone and was introduced in 1989),
- Keystone Light (also introduced in 1989),
- Keystone Dry (introduced in 1991),
- Keystone Ice (introduced in 1994),
- Keystone Amber Light (introduced 1994),
- Keystone Lime, (introduced in 2013),
- Keystone Light Keylightful, (introduced in 2020 in 40 US States)
Keystone beer is so cheap because it is produced and marketed towards the beer drinkers who desire to spend less money on their beer. In general, it is made for those people who cannot afford very costly beer.
Keystone beer is made in such a way that it contains about five percent of other beers that are produced by Coors Brewing Company, without its taste being tampered with. Most people confuse Keystone Light with Coors Light as the same type of beer, but they are not.
Keystone Light and Coors Light are produced by the same company called Coors Brewing Company. Although they both have the same Alcohol by Volume of 4.2%, they have different tastes, recipes, and prices–Coors Light is more expensive than Keystone Light.
What does Keystone taste like?
Keystone Light is one of the most popular varieties of Keystone beer. It has a corn taste, and it is very watery. Some persons also feel Keystone tastes like a light malt. One beautiful thing about Keystone Light is that it has a smooth finish.
Is Keystone beer any good?
Keystone is quite good because it has a crisp taste and a smooth finish. But many people still consider Keystone Light as one of the worst beers because it is too watery and lacks good flavor.
What is the cheapest beer in the US?
Natural Light, popularly called Natty light, is the cheapest beer in the US. You can buy it for 47 cents. It has a 4.20% ABV. It has few calories, and it was first introduced on July 31, 1977. The primary ingredients used in making Natty Light are barley malt, hops, water, cereal grains, and yeast.
How to judge the quality of beer?
If you want to judge beer quality, you have to look at its features and other loopholes it has. Beer should have certain attributes such as:
1. Taste
The taste of beer is one important quality you should look out for when judging beer. Beer has about six kinds of taste; they are Salty, bitter, sweet, sour, umami, and fatty.
2. Flavor
You should mistake the flavor of a beer for its aroma. They are different, but they are pretty similar too. The taste of a beer has to do with its finish, aftertaste, balance, and bitterness.
3. Aroma
The aroma is a very important quality that is used in judging a beer. The aroma of a beer can range from citrusy to piney and others. The scent of a beer also depends on the malt, hops, and esters used when preparing it. The period between opening a beer and consuming it and the temperature of the beer affects the aroma of beer.
4. Appearance
The appearance of a beer has to do with how a beer looks generally. The foam in it, its clarity, and its color also form part of the appearance of a beer. To have a perfect view of the appearance of your beer, use natural light or white background.
5. Feel
The feel of a beer is what many beer drinkers call the mouthfeel or the body of a beer. It generally means how the beer feels in your mouth when you drink it. Check if it’s dry or smooth. If the fermentation process of beer does not go well, it may affect the feel of the beer.
6. Enjoyability
What you experienced while drinking beer also matters. You need to enjoy whatever beer you decide to drink. If the beer didn’t meet your expectations, it shows that you didn’t want it.
Always lookout for the flaws you encountered while drinking your beer. Most beers that have deficiencies in them have a terrible aroma and a bitter taste. Most times, these flaws happen either during the process of fermentation or brewing, or packaging.
Now that you know the different qualities of beer, below is a step-by-step tasting guide to help you judge the quality of your beer.
7. The pour
It is always best you use glassware for drinking any beer. As you pour your beer into your glassware, enjoy the experience.
8. The look and swirl
Gently pour your beer into your glassware and appreciate its appearance for a few seconds. Look at how clear it looks and its color. When you finish enjoying its appearance, go ahead to give the beer in your glassware a swirl. Giving beer a gentle swirl allows you to release all the flavors and aromas in your beer and also test its head retention.
9. The smell, drink, and taste
Avoid drinking your beer immediately; take your time to sniff your beer briefly so you can have a feel of your beer’s aroma. Don’t keep things around your environment that have a pronounced scent that will affect the judgment of your beer’s aroma.
The moment you finish carrying out the third step, you should go-ahead to try your beer. Don’t gulp beer down if you want to judge its quality adequately. It would help if you sipped it slowly to savor the flavors for a while in your mouth and enjoy all of the taste and experience it comes with.

Is light beer better than a standard beer?
It depends on what you look out for when you drink beer. Unlike the standard beer, light beer has lesser calories, and the percentage of vitamins and minerals in light beer is not very different from typical beer. If you are watching your weight, you should drink light beer because it doesn’t have many calories.

Keystone beer is produced by Coors Brewery company, and it is very cheap because it is made for those people who cannot afford very costly beer. The beer has a smooth taste, but it lacks flavor, and it is very watery–which is something that most beer drinkers detest.