Apple juice is a sweet drink that many people enjoy drinking because of the hydrating effect it has on them.
After purchasing apple juice, you need to refrigerate it. If you don’t refrigerate apple juice after opening, it will get infected by bacteria after a while, thus affecting the quality of the apple juice, taste, and color.
You must refrigerate apple juice, whether you have opened it or not. If you open apple juice without finishing it, transfer it to a tight container and put it back in the fridge so that bacteria doesn’t affect the content. Unrefrigerated apple juice can last for days without getting nasty. Whether your apple is pasteurized or unpasteurized, ensure you always store it in the refrigerator.
How long is an open bottle of apple juice good for?
An open bottle of apple juice can last for up to ten days if you properly store it in the refrigerator. The best way to extend the shelf life of a open bottle of apple juice is by freezing it, keeping it in an airtight container, and giving it at least 1/2 inch headspace at the top because apple juice usually expands when it gets frozen.
Can you freeze apple juice?
You can freeze apple juice. Freezing apple juice is a way of preserving it from getting bad. Once the juice has frozen, you can get rid of the container, then remove the frozen juice and put it in a plastic bag. You can keep frozen apple juice in a freezer for four to six months. But some people don’t like drinking frozen apple juice because they feel the taste will be horrible.
What is the best way of preserving fresh apple juice?
The best way of preserving fresh apple juice is by refrigerating it. Practice checking your fresh apple juice for signs of spoilage before consuming it, even if you leave it in the refrigerator.
How long can opened apple juice stay unrefrigerated?
An opened apple juice can stay unrefrigerated for up to ten to twenty-one days, depending on its quality and how you store it.
How long does homemade apple juice last?
Homemade apple juice can last for up to three to five days if it is properly refrigerated.
Does apple juice go bad in the fridge?
Apple juice only go bad when it exceeds its expiration date while it is still in the refrigerator. The shelf life of apple juice depends mainly on the type of apple juice and how it is stored. For a fresh apple juice that has not been pasteurized, you can keep it either opened or unopened for about seven days in your refrigerator, even after the printed expiration date.
If you store apple juice in a sealed bottle in a cool, dark place, it will last for about two to three months past its expiration date. Canned apple juice will stay for up to nine months without getting nasty, whether opened or unopened, as long as you store it in a cool, dark place like your fridge or pantry.

What juice does not need to be refrigerated?
Shelf-stable juice does not need to be refrigerated because it has been processed to be stored on a shelf in a sealed container. Shelf-stable juices don’t need to be refrigerated because they are usually pasteurized and preserved in a way that doesn’t require refrigeration. But as soon as you open a shelf stable juice, ensure you refrigerate it properly.
What happens if you leave your apple juice unrefrigerated and open?
It is not suitable for you to leave your apple juice open and unrefrigerated because if you do, microorganisms will enter it. Since apple juice is very sugary, wild yeasts will enter and ferment your apple juice for you, thus making it unpleasant for consumption.
What happens if you drink moldy apple juice?
You should not drink moldy apple juice because if you do, you might experience a little discomfort in your stomach. And moldy apple juice doesn’t usually have the standard color of fresh apple juice. The best way to handle moldy apple juice is to discard it. You also stand the risk of experiencing food poisoning if you drink unpasteurized apple juice.
How can I use leftover apple juice?
You don’t have to discard leftover apple juice; it can still be helpful. You can use it in a soup; you can also use it to make baked chicken; you can also use it to make fall-themed pulled pork or add it to your oatmeal.
Can apple juice ferment?
Yes, apple juice ferments. If you put cider (a natural yeast that is found in apples) inside your apple juice, it will ferment it thus, turning it into an alcoholic drink in some countries except in America.
Always practice refrigerating your apple juice if you want the quality, taste, and color to remain intact.
If you allow apple juice to stay open for so long, it will make bacteria go in and alter the taste of apple juice. Apple juice should always be stored in a cool, dry place.